Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Last-minute Fajitas

Last night, I couldn't think of a single thing that sounded good for dinner—or that I wanted to take the time to fix. But when I went to pick up my daughter from a friend's house, the smell of cooking peppers was heavenly. I went home and chopped up a large pepper (that my friend had given me from their garden), a large yellow onion, and a half-dozen tiny tomatillos that had come up unexpectedly in our garden (a serendipity plant from last year's crop).

I never have the right kind of meat on hand for fajitas, so I hardly ever make them, but I had purchased five pounds of lean hamburger during my shopping trip earlier in the afternoon. So into the mix went a pound of it. The hamburger cooked at about the same rate as the vegetables, and the veggies absorbed a lot of flavor. I always keep tortillas and cheese in my fridge, so no troubles there. It was surprisingly good for a no-recipe, last minute, desperate attempt at a quick dinner, and it was a whole lot better than having cereal. I actually plan to make it again soon because there were no leftovers at all, and it only took me about 15 minutes to do.

Admittedly, two of my five children looked into the pan and said, "Ewww, peppers, gross!" (They got leftover spaghetti.) The other three loved it. Hey, if I can get 60% approval on any recipe, particularly when the other 40% are the ones who won't eat anything anyway, I figure I'm doing pretty well.

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