I cut the 5 ½ lb pumpkin into thirds and tried one each way. Guess what? They all turned out the same. It just needs a little water of some kind to turn the pieces soft when they cook. Personally, I prefer steaming because the pumpkin doesn’t absorb so much excess water, but take your pick of what’s easiest for you. Once the pumpkin is soft and cool enough to handle, the edible part can be easily scooped out of the tough outer skin. I put all of it into a 2-quart bowl (that it almost filled) and used a potato masher to turn it into pumpkin paste. I thought it would be just like canned pumpkin then, but that’s where I was mistaken.
(Steamed Pumpkin)
Much to my surprise, and my family’s delight, the pies were delicious. Because they had so much fresh pumpkin in them, the flavor was richer than canned. Both pies were gone by the following night. And even though there’s a lot of fat in pie crust and a little in the batter, I just got my kids to eat 2 cups of veggies without them suspecting it!
So, long story short: when you carve up pumpkins next week, throw the seeds in a colander and the cut-outs in a pan. Cook the pieces until they’re soft enough for a fork to mash easily, then scrape them into a bowl and strain out the excess liquid. If you have anywhere between 3-4 cups of pumpkin, you’re set. Add 6 oz (1/2 can) sweetened condensed milk, 4 oz. cream cheese, 2 eggs, ¼ t. salt, ½ T. pumpkin pie spice, and enough flour to thicken it to cake batter consistency ( ¼ - ½ c. ). Pour into pie shell and bake for about 45 minutes at 350, or until the filling no longer jiggles inside the pan. Cool and serve.
For toasted pumpkin seeds, rinse off the seeds until most of the mulch is gone, boil them in salt water for 5-10 minutes, then they will rinse clean. Melt 2-3 T. butter in microwave and add ½ t. salt for 2 c. seeds. (you can also add ½ t. Worcestershire sauce for a richer flavor). Stir seeds into butter mix until coated. Spread on a cookie sheet (it helps to use parchment paper) and bake at 300 for about an hour, turning every 15 minutes or so. Store in refrigerator when cool.
Happy Halloween everyone! (Hope that helps, Penny)